
Mrs Divya Pereira
Assistant Professor, Post Graduate Department of Business Administration
K-SET (Management), 2016; MBA (Finance), 2011, VTU, Belagavi; B.Sc, 2009, Mangalore University
Research Presentations
Presented a paper on Rashtriya Swasthya BimaYojana Health Insurance Scheme in Karnataka- A Conceptual Study at AIMIT, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University), Beeri, Mangalore on 21st March 2016.
Other Significant Achievements
- Attended a 5 day online FDP organised by AICTE on “Examination Reforms” from 22 April 2020 to 26 April, 2020.
- Completed two weeks FDP on MOOCS-2 from May 18- June 03, 2020, organized by Ramanujan College, University of Delhi, Sponsored by MHRD.
- Attended three-days International Webinar on “The Role of ICT in Education Sector and Its Impact on Students, Faculties and Policy Makers” from June 1-3, 2020.
- Attended a 5 day online FDP organised by ICT Digital Series Sky Campus Season 6 on “Accelerating Industry 4.0-. A post vivid paradigm” from May 25, 2020 to May 29, 2020.
- Attended a webinar on “Personal Financial Management” by CA V Pattabhi Ram offered by ICT ACADEMY on 20.05.2020.
- Attended a webinar on “AI- Creating a paradigm shift by Mr. Laxminarayan G, offered by Jain University on 8.05.2020.
- Attended a Faculty Learning Program on “Flexible Learning and Its Impact on Management Education” by Dr. Joe Arun, Director, LIBA on May 4th 2020.
- Attended a webinar on “How to conduct online classes using simple tools” Organized by -Goyal Brothers on May 7, 2020
- One-day Workshop “Global Accelerated Leadership Programme” organized by Department of MBA, St Aloysius College, AIMIT, Beeri, Mangalore on 15th July 2019.
- Attended a National Webinar on “Data Analysis and Statistical Computing” Organised by Department of Statistics, Institute of Social Sciences, Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Agra on May 27, 2020.
- Attended a two-day Management Development Programme on “Building Ethical and Moral Leadership” at AIMIT on January 5 & 6, 2018
- Attended a Two-day FDP on ‘Effective Engagement in Consulting ‘ at AIMIT on November 28-29, 2017.
- Participated in two-day National Level Workshop on Use of Sample Design & Techniques in Social Science Research: Practical Applications at St Joseph College of Commerce (Autonomous), Bangalore on 22nd and 23rd July, 2016.
- Participated in one day FDP on Case Method of Teaching & Case Writing at St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangalore on 12th July 2016.
- Participated in one-day work shop on Mathematica- Computing and Visualization conducted by School of Information Technology and Bioinformatics (St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University) and Wolfram Research on 12th August, 2016.
- Participated in one day FDP on Multivariate Data Analysis at AIMIT, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University), Beeri, Mangalore on 2nd September 2016.
- FDP on Research Methodology on 22nd – 29th August 2013 at AIMIT.
- Resource Person for FDP on “Faculty Interaction Series “held on June 1-15th 2013 at AIMIT, St Aloysius College.
- Resource person for “One-week work workshop on Research Methodology: conducted in August 2017, at AIMIT- St Aloysius College, Mangalore.
- Attended a Workshop on ‘Case Developing and Publishing” organised by the Department of Business Administration, St. Joseph’s Engineering College, Vamanjoor on January 10th, 2017.
- Three day FDP on “Fruitful Research for Prolific Researchers” organised by AIMIT, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University), Mangalore during 19th – 21th, August 2015
- Lecture Series on “Assurance of Learning (AOL)” organised by AIMIT, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University), Mangalore during 24-31, August 2015.
- Resource person for the motivational session for East West Public School class 10 students, Bangalore on Zoom.
- Three day FDP on “Fruitful Research for Prolific Researchers” organised by AIMIT, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University), Mangalore during 19th -21th, August 2015
- Lecture Series on “Assurance of Learning (AOL)” organized by AIMIT, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University), Mangalore during 24-31, August 2015
- Workshop on “Train the Trainer (TTT) on Teaching, Learning & Innovation” organised by AIMIT, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University), Mangalore in association with Computer Society of India on 7th – 9th July 2015.
- One day workshop on “Case writing and Analysis” organised by AIMIT, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University), Mangalore on 24th July 2015.
- Workshop on “Train the Trainer (TTT) on Teaching, Learning & Innovation” organised by AIMIT, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University), Mangalore in association with Computer Society of India on 7th – 9th July 2015.
- One day workshop on “Case writing and Analysis” organised by AIMIT, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University), Mangalore on 24th July 2015.
- Three days FDP on “New Paradigms in Survey Research” at AIMIT, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University), Mangalore on 12th – 14th August 2014.
- SDP for the Students of St. Xavier’s College, Jabalpur at AIMIT, St Aloysius College on 10th to 15th February, 2014.
- Three days FDP on “New Paradigms in Survey Research” at AIMIT, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University), Mangalore on 12th – 14th August 2014.
- Participated in FDP on “Research Methodology” held on 29th -31st August 2013 at AIMIT, St Aloysius College.