Session 1 was handled by MRPL Resource persons-. Mr. Sandesh Coutinho, CGM. HR, MRPL, and Ms Poonam Shetty, Junior Officer, Training HR, MRPL. The session set the tone for the rest of the two-day program. Session 2 – “Leading a Value Driven Life”, and was handled by Rev Fr Roshan Pereira SJ. Rev Fr Roshan Pereira powerfully communicated to the audience the power of value-based living and the benefits of recalibrating their lives and values with those of MRPL. From here Session 3- “Co-Creating a value-based Organization”, was a natural next step. All the participants expressed willingness to commit an approach where all actions and decisions are guided by the desire to deliver maximum value. Session 3 was very ably handled by Dr Steevan D’Souza
Day 2 of the Skill Development Program held on February 28th commenced with Session 4 – “Organizational Commitment with emphasis on peer involvement and employee ownership of quality issues” which was handled by Dr Swapna Rose. The session highlighted the role of organisational culture. The importance of having a sound organisational culture for an organisation and the need for orienting towards the various goals of the organisation was emphasised in the session. Session 5- “Creating a culture of quality and cost consciousness” was handled by Dr. Justine James with emphasis on peer involvement and employee ownership of quality issues. The session concluded with a focus on culture of quality and cost consciousness. An activity-based approach was used in the session.
Session 6 “Enhancing engagement at work” was handled by Dr Rajani Suresh & Dr Annette Maben. The session introduced the concepts of personal branding and aligning the personal brand of the participants with brand MRPL. Session 7 on Day 2 “From Engagement to Flow- Embracing Agile was also handled by Dr Rajani Suresh & Mrs. Anette Maben. Here the participants learnt negotiating skills necessary for a dynamic, agile environment.
The final Valedictory Session involved certificate distribution and a feedback session. The participants maintained that they were delighted with two days filled with highly interactive sessions leading to perceptible positive work outcomes.