
Dr Shine P Varkey
Assistant Professor
Dept of Bioinformatics, St Aloysius (Deemed To Be) University, November 2023-Present
Ph D (Bioscience), 2018, Mangalore University and 2 Post Doctoral Programs (2019 – 2021 and 2022) at National Centre for Aquatic Animal Health, Kochi
Adjunct faculty for Bioinformatics and Drug Discovery course of M Tech Biotechnology, Cochin University of Science & Technology May 2022-Dec 2022
Senior Scientific Officer (Trophic Biosystems & Spicejet Healthcare) in 2022 and 2023
- Industry Sponsored project of Expression of Antibody chains from hybridoma cell lines at Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology during February 2023 to November 2023.
- Post Doctoral Researcher- RUSA Skill Development Program in Aquatic Animal Health, National Centre for Aquatic Animal Health, Kochi; May 2022 -Dec 2022.
- Post Doctoral Researcher- Institutional Network Project on Fish and Shell Fish Vaccine, National Centre for Aquatic Animal Health, Kochi, July 2019- Sep 2021.
- Research Officer-COVID Lab, Central University of Kerala, Molecular techniques for COVID Diagnosis and training, Oct 2021- Jan 2022.
- Shine, P. V., Shankar, K. M., Abhiman, B., Sudheer, N. S., & Patil, R. (2020). Epitope mapping of the White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) VP28 monoclonal antibody through combined in silico and in vitro analysis reveals the potential antibody binding site. Molecular and Cellular Probes, 101508.
- Predictive Epitope and Validation on White Spot Syndrome Virus VP28: Insights for Candidate Vaccine and Comparative Efficacy with Synthetic Peptides (Under Review).
- Comprehensive Analysis of Antibody Cloning, Epitope Prediction, and Antigen Design for White Spot Syndrome Virus through Molecular Dynamics (Under Communication).
- Ashwini S, Shine P. Varkey, Manjula Shantaram. “In silico docking of polyphenolic compounds against caspase 3-HeLa cell line protein”. Journal of Drug Development Research, 2017; 9(3): 28-32.
- Computational Mapping of Interaction Sites of Synthetic Antibody Clone P109D9 on VP28 Protein (Conference Proceedings).
Research presentations
- ‘Computational Study to explore the Epitope Landscape of VP28 of White Spot Syndrome Virus: Implications in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Design’, February 2023, Symposium on “Accelerating Biology 2024: The Exascale Leap” February 6-8, C-DAC, Pune.
- An Analysis on the epitope-paratope relationship of anti-VP28 antibodies: Implications in therapeutic development against the White Spot Syndrome Virus, Conference-Monoclonal Antibodies, an emerging era in biologicals, December 2022, Institute of Advanced Virology, Trivandrum.
- Epitope-CDR H3 loop relationship of antibodies interacting with VP28 protein of White Spot Syndrome Virus– Invited lecture on Structural Bioinformatics ‘New Horizons and Challenges in Biotechnology and Bioinformatics’, CPCRI, Kasargod, January 2014.
- Computational Mapping of Interaction Sites of Synthetic Antibody Clone P109D9 on VP28 Protein, Paper Presentation, Conference on ‘Innovative Research in Computations, St Aloysius College-March 2014.
Other Significant Achievements
- Organiser for 5 days Residential Bio-Entrepreneurship Advanced Certification course cum Bootcamp by Kerala Biotechnology Commission & BIIC, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam.
- Organizer three days national workshop on ‘Research to Commercialisation’, 24-26th November, 2022, BIIC, MG University, Kottayam.
- Resource Person for Academic lectures on Bioinformatics for MSc Program in Mangalore University April-May 2017.
- Senior Research Fellowship- National Agriculture Innovative Programme (NAIP) project of ICAR, New Delhi from Feb 2013-March 2014.
- Senior Research Fellowship-RKVY Project on ‘Cell Culture and related works for Vibrio monoclonal antibodies production and characterisation’ from July 2009 – July 2012.