
Dr Santhosh B
Associate Professor & HOD, Post Graduate Department of Computer Application
K-SLET (Computer Science and Applications), 2014; UGC NET (Computer Applications), 2012; PhD, 2017 Mangalore University
- [Ongoing] MJES funded minor project Digital “Forensic Techniques for Investigation of Cybercrimes Using Machine Learning”. Project Duration is Dec 2020 to Dec 2022 . The total amount sanctioned is 1,50,000/-
- [Ongoing]As a Research Project Guide guided student research Project Titled “Shakti-An IoT Based Women Safety App To Prevent Rape and Domestic Violence”. The project was sponsored by MJES. St.Aloysius College, Mangalore Apr 2022 to Apr 2023,The total amount sanctioned was 5,000/-
- As a Research Project Guide guided student research Project Titled “ Good Heart”. The project was sponsored by MJES. St.Aloysius College, Mangalore Jul 2020 to Jul 2021,The total amount sanctioned was 10,000/-
- As a Research Project Guide guided student research Project Titled “Helping Hands – An online platform for the socio weekend society of india”. The project was sponsored by MJES. St.Aloysius College, MangaloreDec 2019 to Dec 2020,The total amount sanctioned was 10,000/-
- ‘Resource Allocation and Scheduling in Heterogeneous Cloud Environments’ as a part of my Ph.d work. Key points addressed here are (i) Although DataCenter has limited no of resources it provides illusion of infinite no of resources. How to provide this illusion by utilizing the resources efficiently. (ii) Datacenter receive service requests from all over the world simultaneously. How to process service requests on heterogeneous cloud environment efficiently
- “Steganography Using Modified Least Significant Bit Algorithm” Security of the data is the challenge while data in rest or transit. Here novel algorithm is proposed which hides image or data inside another image without degrading the image quality.
- “vertical search engine in the domain of Medicine and Health”. The characteristics of new search engines are maintain the existing good features of search engine and improve them on – (i) Specific search for Medical web pages. Develop this search engine based on the medical and health domain. So that, search results specific to health and medicine related information are more accurate. (ii) Evaluate relevance of web pages in context of the domain using content analysis technique with help of domain lexicon. (iii)Filter out pages which are not relevant to domain by using TFIDF scores.
- SQL QUERY BUILDER – research based project for the client Mobies technologies (USA). Query Builder is a GUI based tool for building SQL query statements as per ANSI SQL-92 Standards. Building Query includes creation and execution of SQL statements in a visual interface with a feature to display the result set. The main features are (i) To provide flexibility of connecting to different databases on various platforms, if any of the 4 different types of JDBC drivers exists. (ii) To build SQL query statements and display the results in a grid format. (iii)To provide the option to depict SQL statement in the SQL builder. (iv)To provide support for nested SQL statements up to 3-levels. (iv) To provide graphical representation of relationships among tables.
- Dr Santhosh B, “Securing Digital Forensics Data”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJIRCCE),ISSN: : 2320-9801, Volume 9, Issue 12, December 2021, DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2021.0912038
- Santhosh B, “Secure Transfer of Digital Evidence from the Crime Scene”, International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology (IJSRCSEIT), ISSN : 2456-3307, Volume 8, Issue 1, pp.123-127, January-February-2022.doihttps://doi.org/10.32628/CSEIT228118 [UGC CARE LIST JOURNAL]
- Santosh B, Neha D Amin , Ranson Lobo “A Case Study on Energy Efficient Scheduling Algorithms in Cloud Data Centers ”, SACAIM 2021, DEC 21, Conference proceedings, ISBN 978-93-91077-79-2
- Santhosh B, Swati Revalka 2 , Shifali Tandel,Sinchana Malnad “ Digital Forensics on Cloud Computing: Challenges and Solution. ”, SACAIM 2021, DEC 21, Conference proceedings, ISBN 978-93-91077-79-2
- Santhosh B, Pratheesh, Mohammad Munawar A “Multi Dimensional Load Balancing Algorithm in Cloud Computing, ”, SACAIM 2021, DEC 21, Conference proceedings, ISBN 978-93-91077-79-2
- Shirin, Jennifer , “Comparative Study of Workflow Scheduling Algorithms in Cloud Computing”, ”, SACAIM 2021, DEC 21, Conference proceedings, ISBN 978-93-91077-79-2
- Santhosh B, Amish, Mohith “Securing digital evidence ”, SACAIM 2021, DEC 21, , Conference proceedings, ISBN 978-93-91077-79-2
- Santhosh B (2020) “Design and Implementation of Vertical Semantic Analyzer” IJSRCSAMS, Volume 9, Issue 1, ISSN 2319 –1953
- Santhosh B (2020) “A Case Study on Multidimensional Scaling Based on Marketing Analytics” IJSRCSAMS, Volume 9, Issue 1, ISSN 2319 –1953
- Santhosh B (2020) “A Study on Job Scheduling Algorithms in Cloud Computing” IJSRCSAMS, Volume 9, Issue 1, ISSN 2319 –1953
- Santhosh B (2018) “Cloud Computing – Usages And Applications for NGO’S” IJSRCSAMS, Volume 7, Issue 6, ISSN 2319 –1953
- Santhosh B (2018) “A Study on Multi Dimensional Load Balancing Algorithm in Cloud Computing” IJSRCSAMS, Volume 7, Issue 6, ISSN 2319 –1953
- Santhosh B (2018) “A Study on Scheduling and Service Broker Algorithms in Cloud Computing” IJSRCSAMS, Volume 7, Issue 6, ISSN 2319 –1953
- Santhosh B (2018) “A Study on Scheduling Algorithms In Grid Computing” IJSRCSAMS, Volume 7, Issue 6, ISSN 2319 –1953
- Santhosh B (2018) “A Study on Workflow Scheduling Algorithms in Cloud Computing” IJSRCSAMS, Volume 7, Issue 6, ISSN 2319 –1953
- Santhosh B (2018) “Digital Forensics in Cloud Computing Environment” IJSRCSAMS, Volume 7, Issue 6, ISSN 2319 –1953
- Santhosh B (2018) “A Study on Scheduling and VM Load Balancing Algorithms in Cloud Computing” IJSRCSAMS, Volume 7, Issue 6, ISSN 2319 –1953
- Santhosh B (2017) “Design and implementation of new cloud scheduling algorithm ” IJLTET, Special Issue SACAIM 2017, pp. 099-102e-ISSN:2278-621X
- Santhosh B (2017) “Multi-dimensional resource scheduling algorithm for cloud datacenters” IJLTET , Special Issue SACAIM 2017, pp. 099-102e-ISSN:2278-621X
- Santhosh B (2017) “Design and implementation of efficient steganography algorithm ” IJLTET , Special Issue SACAIM 2017, pp. 099-102e-ISSN:2278-621X
- Santhosh B (2017) “A survey on energy efficient resource scheduling algorithms for cloud data centers” IJLTET , Special Issue SACAIM 2017, pp. 099-102e-ISSN:2278-621X
- Santhosh B (2017) “A study on point-in-time, snapshots and datadeduplication technologies in backup and replication ” IJLTET , Special Issue SACAIM 2017, pp. 099-102e-ISSN:2278-621X
- Santhosh B (2017) “Universal strength assessment of encryption algorithm (usaea) ” IJLTET, Special Issue SACAIM 2017, pp. 099-102e-ISSN: 2278-621X
- Santhosh B (2017) “A study on task scheduling algorithms in cloud computing” IJLTET , Special Issue SACAIM 2017, pp. 099-102e-ISSN:2278-621X
- Santhosh B (2017) “New authentication scheme using smart devices” IJLTET , Special Issue SACAIM 2017, pp. 099-102e-ISSN:2278-621X
- Santhosh B (2016) “A STUDY ON WORKFLOAD SCHEDULING ALGORITHMS IN CLOUD” IJLTET , special issue issn/isbn no 2278-621X
- Santhosh B , Manjaiah D H (2015) ” Deadline aware efficient resource scheduling in cloud”,Springer Publications, ISBN ISBN 978-981-10-0286-1
- Santhosh B (2015) “HLF: A dynamic scheduling algorithm for task scheduling in cloud computing” ,IIRCCE ,ISSN(Online): 2320-9801
- Santhosh B(2015) “Enhanced Proximity based routing policy for service brokering in cloud environment”, IIRCCE ,ISSN(Online): 2320-9801
- Santhosh B (2015) “A Study of multi dimentional intergrated load balancing in cloud computing: challenges and algorithms” ,IIRCCE ISSN(Online): 2320-9801
- Santhosh B , Manjaiah D H, (2015) “A hybrid AvgTask-Min and Max-Min algorithm for scheduling tasks in cloud computing,” IEEE Explorer , ISSN 978-1-4673-9
- Santhosh B , Manjaiah D H (2014) ,”An Improved Task scheduling algorithm based on maxmin for cloud computing”, IJIRCCE Vol.2, Special Issue 2 ISSN(Online): 2320-9801
- Santhosh B, Manjaiah D H (2014),”Resource Location and Cost based Performance Optimized Routing algorithm in cloud computing”, Elsevier Publications, ISBN 978935107261 pp 676- 682
- Santhosh B (2014),:“Comparative Study of Scheduling and Service Broker Algorithms in Cloud Computing”, IJIRCCE Vol.2, Special Issue 5 October 2014 ISSN(Online): 2320-9801
- Santhosh B (2014) “Comparative Study of Workflow Scheduling Algorithms in Cloud Computing” International Conference on “Advanced IT, Engineering and Management IJIRCCE Vol.2, Special Issue 5 ISSN(Online): 2320-9801 Oct 2014
Santhosh B (2014) “An Improved Task scheduling algorithm based on maxmin for cloud computing” IJCIREE , ISSN NO: 2320-9801
Book Chapter
- Santhosh B (2015) “BigData: Processing of Data Intensive Applications on Cloud” Computational Intelligence for Big Data Analysis , Springer publications ,ISBN 978-3-319-16597-4 ISBN 978-3-319-16598-1 (eBook) ISSN 1867-4542 (electronic)
Research Presentations
- “Comparative Analysis of Task Scheduling Algorithms in Cloud Computing” in the National Seminar on Parallel and distributed processing techniques and applications” held at St Philomena College, Puttur Feb 20, 2014
- “Cloud computing usages and applications to NGO’S”. National conference on “Third sector response to contemporary challenges sahyadri college of management and sciences” Conference proceedings, ISBN : 978-93-811-95-10-9
- “Challenges in resource allocation and scheduling in heterogeneous IAAS cloud environment “ National Conference on “Advanced IT, Engineering and Management (SACAIM 2012)” conference proceedingsISBN : 978 93 5087 895 8
- “Max-Min Task Scheduling Algorithm in Cloud Computing ” National conference on Data Mining for Computer Security”, SDM, Mangalore Aug 2013
- “Comparative Analysis of Task Scheduling Algorithms in Cloud Computing” National level Seminar on “Parallel and distributed processing techniques and applications” St Philomena College, Puttur Feb 20, 2014
- “Multi-Dimensional Resource Scheduling Algorithm For Cloud DataCenters” National level Seminar on Emerging Technologies in Computer Science and Information Technology , St Philomena College, Puttur Sept 11, 2015
Other Significant Achievements
- Recognized as Research Guide in the field of Computer Science at Mangalore University
- Member of the Board of Examination of MPhil computer science of Noorul Islam University,kumaracoil, kanyakumeri , Tamilnadu
- Member of the Board of Examination of MCA, St Joseph Eng College, Mangalore, since 2022
- Member of BOS , Dept of computer Applications, St Agnes College, Mangalore for the academic year 2012 to 2015
- Member of BOS – BCA, BSc ,BA Animations Dept of computer science, St Aloysius college, Mangalore 2012-14
- Member of BOS , Dept of computer Science, St Agnes College, Mangalore for the academic year 2009 to 2012
- Member of BOE M.Sc Computer science, Kannur University, ,Kerala since 2008
- Member of BOE – MSc ,M.C.A ,Dept of computer science, Mangalore University,, Mangalore since 2005
- Member of BOE- MS in Mobile Communication and Internet Technology, Mangalore University since 2010Member of Iconic IT Professional Society
- Topper in NPTEL Course “Cloud Computing and Distributed Computing” secured 87% held on March 2022..
- Serving as a Counselor of BCA and MCA courses of Indira Gandhi National Open University , Mangalore study center since 2003
- Serving as a Counselor of MBA – MS-08 course of Indira Gandhi National Open University , Mangalore study center since 2003
- Key note speaker and moderator – one day national conference on Wireless Technology at PSGR Krishnammal College for Woman, Coimbatore , 29 th jan 2015 keynote Topic: Cloud computing Simulators for Research
- Resource Person “Career Guidance” for the degree students organized by Vishwakarma Seva Sangha, Puttur Feb 2020
- Resource Person “Career Guidance” for the degree students organized by Vishwakarma Seva Sangha Udupi Jan 2020
- Talk on “Software Applications and Research Projects” Workshop organized by Dept of Computer Science , St Aloysius College, Mangalore 19th sept 2019
- Chairperson – National Conference on Recent Trends in Electrical and Information Technology ,Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri 30th April 2019 keynote Topic: Information Security in BigData & challenges
- Resource Person – MDP on “Informational Security for Operational Effectiveness “organized by AIMIT, Mangalore may 18-19 2018
- Resource Person “Advanced Java using J2EE “workshop organized by Dept of BCA,St Agness College, Feb 2016
- Resource Person “Advanced Internet Technologies” workshop organized by Vivekananda College, Puttur, July 2017
- Resource Person “ Java EE “workshop organized by Dept of MCA,AIMIT, Aug 2015