
Dr Rowena Wright
Associate Professor, Post Graduate Department of Business Administration
Ph.D (Marketing), 2008, Bharathidasan University, Tamil Nadu; M.Phil (Marketing),1997, Bharathidasan University, Tamil Nadu; SLET(Commerce), 1997, Bharathidasan University, Tamil Nadu; M.Com (Commerce), 1993, Bharathidasan University, Tamil Nadu
- Benny J Godwin & Rowena Wright (2022) for presenting a paper titled ‘Promiscuity beyond a one-night stand: Anthropomorphic Brand Love enhanced Customer Citizenship Behavior – A Quasi-Experiment’ in the 5th International Conference on Challenges in Emerging Economies at K J Somaiya Institute of Management, Mumbai, India on 10th December 2022.
- Godwin, B. & Wright, R. (2019).Understanding the antecedents of service decisions: An integration of service promiscuity and customer citizenship behaviour, Journal of Services, Economics & Management, 10 (1), 34 -54
- Wright, R. Sumitha, PV (2017). Brand Switching Of Cosmetic Brands Among Youth: Empirical Evidence, Indian Journal of Management, 6 (1)
- Mascarenhas, O. Wright, R. &Rajani, S (2017). Exploring MAFI Potential as a Multi-Disciplinary Research and Integrated Business Management Paradigm. Aloysius Journal of Management & Research, 5(1), ISSN 2321 8797
- Dias, B.& Wright, R. (2016). HR Management – A contemporary attitude towards enhancing performance with specific reference to the health care industry. Indian Journal of Management 4. (2), ISSN No. 22773304, 3- 9.
- Mascarenhas, O. Wright, R. &Sumitha (2016), PV. Marketing-Accounting-Finance Interface (MAFI) Cost and Benefit Implications in Relation to Consumer Credit.IOSR Journal of Business & Management (IOSR-JBM), (2015): 20-23. p-ISSN: 2319-7668. e-ISSN: 2278-487X.
- Sumitha, PV. Wright (2015), R. An Empirical Study to Explore Conflict Handling Styles of Academicians in Mangalore Using Dimension Reduction Technique. Disseminate Knowledge-International Journal of Research in Management Science and Technology, (2015):208-220, 3(1), ISSN 2321-1245.
- Sumitha, PV. Wright, R (2015). “Exploring the Major Factors Influencing the WLB of Women Entrepreneurs Using Factor Analysis.” VidyanikethanJournal of Management and Research, (2015):8-12, 3(1) ISSN 2320-3951.
- Mascarenhas, O. Wright, R. &Rajani, S (2015). “Understanding Metaphors and Metaphorical Reasoning in Business Management.” Aloysius Journal of Management and Research (AJMR), (2015): 17- 42. 3(3) – ISSN: 2321-8797.
- Wright, R. Sumitha,PV (2015). An Empirical Study On The Impact Of Demography On Conflict Management Styles Of Academicians In Mangalore B-Schools.IOSR Journal of Business &Management ISSN: 2319-7668, 2, 57-68.
- Sumitha, PV. Wright, R.(2015). Regression analysis as a tool to combat uncertainty: An Empirical Evidence.Business Sciences International Research Journal, 2(1), ISSN:2321-3191,129-137.
- Wright, R. Sumitha, PV. (2015). An Empirical Study on The Impact of Demography on Conflict Management Styles Of Academicians in Mangalore B-Schools.IOSR Journal of Business & Management ISSN: 2278-487X.
- Wright, R. Sumitha, PV. (2014).Competitive Strategies of corporates in Rural Markets: Issues &Challenges.Pinnacle Research Journal –ArthPrabhand: A Journal of Economics and Management (APJEM), 3(6). ISSN 2278-0629, 176-185.
- Sumitha, PV. Wright, R.(2014). An empirical study to explore Conflict Handling Styles of academicians in Mangalore using Dimension Reduction Techniques. International Conference proceedings on Trends and Challenges in Indian Business Management PLACITUM 2014 with ISBN 978-93-83241-60-6,119-127.
- Sumitha, PV. Wright, R.(2014). “Regression Analysis as a tool for Managing Uncertainty” Aloysius Journal of Management and Research, ISSN -2321 – 8797, 2.
- Wright, R. Sumitha, PV. (2014). An Empirical Study on the Impact of Demography on Conflict Management Styles of Academicians in Mangalore B-Schools” in IOSR Journal of Business and ManagementISSN: 2319-7668.
- Wright, R. Sumitha, PV. (2014). “Rural Marketing- An Opportunity For Corporates In The New Millennium” in the ‘Indian Journal of Research’ (ISSN No. 2231-6655) 3 (2).
- Sumitha, PV. Wright, R.(2013). The Evolution of Statistical Software Design: A Futuristic Agenda” in Conference Proceedings – Reinventing Issues in Business Management & Research with ISBN: 978-93-81212-49-3.
- Sumitha, PV. Wright, R.(2013). “Competitive Strategies Of Corporates In Rural Markets: Issues & Challenges” in Conference Proceedings – Global Business: Opportunities & Challenges with ISBN: 978-81-8429-106-3
Paper Presentations
- Rowena Wright (2021) ‘Social media Engagement Rate Analysis- A study on official page posts of Apple mobiles, Samsung mobiles and Mi mobile’ “at the International Conference on Business Transformation and Excellence in Global Scenario (ICBTEGS) on 17th & 18th December, 2021 organised by VIT-AP School of Business (VSB), VIT-AP University, Amaravati, Andhra Pradesh
- Rowena, Rajani (2018) “Multidisciplinary Research and practice in the era of Digital Innovation and Academic Intelligence: A Futuristic Approach” at the 23rd International Conference on Pune on 8th& 9th September, 2018 organised by Research and Development Association in collaboration with Rajasthan Chamber of Commerce and Jaipur Management Association.
- Beena, Royce & Rowena (2018)‘Antecedents of Financial Inclusion- An Exploratory Study ‘in a Two-day National Conference on Consolidating Social Enterprises through Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives: Issues and Challenges at AJ Institute of Management, KottarChowki, Mangalore.
- Dhananjaya, K., & Wright, R. (2018) Do Domestic Institutional Investors (DIIs) Neutralize the Large Reversal By Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs)? Recent Evidence from Indian Stock Market Investors (FIIs)? Recent Evidence from Indian Stock Market. Conference Proceedings. 7th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Finance & Accounting, September 7 & 8, 2018, SDMIMD, Mysuru.
- Rowena, Balraju&Babu, “Innovation & Best Practices of Autonomous Colleges with specific reference to St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University)”via skype on 27th January 2018, at the NAAC sponsored National Conference on “Quality Enhancement through Autonomy & Accreditation in Higher Education” organised by I.Q.A.C., CSIBER, Kolhapur & Knowledge Partner I.Q.A.C Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
- Rowena, Godwin Benny (2017) ‘Primordial Psychodynamic e-promiscuity: A phenomenological Approach’ at the 11th ISDSI International Conference from December 27-30, 2017 at IIM Tiruchirappalli.
- Rajani, Rowena (2017) “Demonetization and Financial Inclusion- Creating a sustainable model” at the CSIBER, Kolhapur International Conference on “Demonetization and Demonetization: Issues and Challenges for Global Business on 4th and 5th August, 2017.
- Rowena, Rajani (2017) “Critical Factors for Successful Adoption of Mobile Communication Technologies in Rural India” in a Two day National Conference on “Skill India to Leverage Make in India: Initiatives and Challenges” A. J. Institute of Management on 12-13th April, 2017.
- Rowena, Rajani (2017) “Destination Branding Building Brand India” at the National Seminar and Conference on Global Brand Building at SDM College, Mangalore on 3rd March 2017.
- Rowena, Sumitha (2017) “Brand Switching of Cosmetic Brands Among Youth: Empirical Evidence” 3rd International conference cum Workshop on “Multidisciplinary Business Research-The New Driver of Business Innovation”, AIMIT, March 2017.
- Oswald, Rowena, Rajani (2017) “Exploring MAFI Potential as a Multi-Disciplinary Research and Integrated Business Management Paradigm” at the Third International Conference on Multidisciplinary Business Research at AIMIT, Mangalore on 31st March 2017.
- Beena, Rowena (2017) “Assessing the Role of Virtual Banking in Financial Inclusion.” at the Third International Conference on Multidisciplinary Business Research at AIMIT, Mangalore on 31st March 2017.
- Rajani, Rowena & Justin (2017) “Make in India – Approaches, Concerns and Experiments.” at the Third International Conference on Multidisciplinary Business Research at AIMIT, Mangalore on 31st March 2017.
- Rowena, Ashitha (2016) “Managing Brand Switching: A challenge for marketers in the 21st century” 2nd International Conference on “Management in 21st Century-Issues, Challenges and the Road Ahead” St. Aloysius Institute of Management & Information Technology (AIMIT), St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University), Mangalore.
- Rowena, Sumitha (2016) “Exploring Prominent Factors That Prompt Brand Switching Of Cosmetic Among Youth” 2nd International Conference on “Management in 21st Century-Issues, Challenges and the Road Ahead” St. Aloysius Institute of Management & Information Technology (AIMIT), St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University), Mangalore.
- Rowena, Sumitha (2016) “Brand Switching Of Cosmetic Brands among Youth: Empirical Evidence.” 18th International conference on “Sustainable Growth and Innovation in the New Millennium – Frontier Global Issues and Challenges” Research Development Association, Jaipur.
- Rowena, Rajani. “Gender, Metaphors and Metaphorical Reasoning in Contemporary Advertising” 17th International at “Conference Contemporary Issues & Innovations in Global Business Management, Economics, Tourism and Information & Communication Technology” RDA, Goa November 26th& 27th, 2015.
- Beena, Rowena. 17th International on “HR Management – A Contemporary Attitude towards Enhancing Performance with Specific Reference to the Health Care Industry” at Conference Contemporary Issues & Innovations in Global Business Management, Economics, Tourism and Information & Communication Technology” RDA, Goa November 26th& 27th, 2015.
- Sumitha, Rowena. “A Radical Change in Higher Education – Choice Based Credit System.” International Conference on “Building Effective Organizations: Combining Continuity with Change” AIMIT, St. Aloysius College, April 2015.
- Sumitha, Rowena. “Corporates Strategies for Rural Markets – “Systems Approach.” National Conference on “Business Excellence –Perspectives, Challenges and Strategies, ChatrapatiShahu Institute of Business Education & Research (CSIBER) Kolhapur, March 2015.
- Rowena, Sumitha3rd National Conference on “Managing Uncertainty: Strategies for Surviving and Thriving in turbulent markets” at AIMIT, St.Aloysius College, Mangalore titled “Regression Analysis as a tool for Managing Uncertainty” on 24th March 2014.
- Sumitha, Rowena Co-presented paper in International Conference on “Emerging Business Practices: Differentiation and Value Creation VII” organized IES Mumbai on 21-22nd, February 2014.
- Beena, Rowena Co-presented paper in International Conference titled “Strategies Adopted by Syndicate Bank towards Financial Inclusion in Kotekar, Mangalore.” organized IES Mumbai on 21-22nd, February 2014.
- Sumitha, Rowena Co-presented paper in International Conference on “Management & Business Research” organized by Society of Technical & Management Professionals, Malaysia on 23-24st, November 2013.
Other significant achievements
- Recognized as a research guide in Management under Mangalore University since October 2022.
- FDP on Integrated Marketing Communications – AICTE approved 8 weeks offered by Indian Institute of Science Bangalore NPTEL Swayam January 2021 to March 2021 [Date of Exam March 21, 2021] Grade: Elite / Percentage: 74
- Three day National Webinar on Higher Education in the Covid Era: Challenges & Opportunities organized by the School of Governance & Public Affairs (SGPA) XIM University from June 17, 2021 to June 20, 2021.
- One week National Level Faculty Development Programme on “Transformation in Indian Education through New Education Policy- Challenges and Opportunities” sponsored by UGC under Paramarsh Scheme organised by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)-Government First Grade College for Women, Balmatta, Mangalore and St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University), Mangalore, held from July 05, 2021 to July 11, 2021.
- Delivered lecture at a One Day National Webinar on “The Right Way: Interview Techniques for nurses” organized by Fr Muller College of Nursing, Mangalore on November 9, 2021.
- Delivered lecture at a One Day National Webinar on “The Right Way: Interview Techniques for nurses” organized by Fr Muller College of Nursing, Mangalore on December 3, 2020.
- Chairperson for research paper presentations & poster presentations at theInternational Interdisciplinary Conference on Healthcare & Technical Research (ICHTR) organised by Manipal Academy of Higher education, Marena Mangalore, 29 – 31 October, 2019
- Attended a 5 day online FDP organised by ICT Digital Series Sky CampusSeason 2 “Team management and Building” from 30 April, 2020 to 5 May, 2020.
- Attended a 5 day online FDP organised by ICT Digital Series Sky Campus Season 6 on “Future Tech 2020” from May 18, 2020 to May 22, 2020.
- Attended a 5 day online FDP organised by AICTE on “Examination Reforms”from22 April 2020 to 26 April, 2020.
- Chairperson for research paper presentations & poster presentations at the International Interdisciplinary Conference on Healthcare & Technical Research (ICHTR) organised by Manipal Academy of Higher education, Marena Mangalore, 29 – 31 October, 2019.
- Resource person for the workshop on “Leadership Skills” held for Aloysius Degree Council members on 11th July 2019 at AIMIT, St Aloysius College.
- Resource Person for Orientation Programme for Aloysius PUC Council members on June 27 & 28, on 2019 “To be a winner in an uncertain tomorrow” at Two day workshop on “Leadership Skills” at AIMIT, St. Aloysius College.
- Chairperson for research paper presentations at the National Level conference on “Management NXT” Organised by SDM PG Centre for Management Studies & Research, Mangalore, 22 March, 2019.
- One day Workshop “Global Accelerated Leadership Programme” organized by Department of MBA, St Aloysius College, AIMIT, Beeri, Mangalore on 15th July 2019.
- International Interdisciplinary Conference on Healthcare & Technical Research (ICHTR) organised by Manipal Academy of Higher education, Marena Mangalore, 29 – 31 October, 2019.
- National Level conference on “Management NXT” Organised by SDM PG Centre for Management Studies & Research, Mangalore, 22 March, 2019.
- Moderator at the Panel Session at Samprathi 2018 – A National Seminar on Ensuring Child rights in India: A Challenge organised by the PG Department of Social Work, St. Aloysius College, Mangalore on 25th& 26th September, 2018.
- Session Chair for Paper presentation the at the National Seminar on Consumer Protection – Issues and Challenges –on February 16, 2018 organised by the Faculty of Commerce, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University), Mangalore.
- Moderator and Session Chair at the International Conference on ‘Global Management Myopia” on 8th & 9th January, 2018 organised by the Post Graduate Department of Commerce, St. Agnes College, Mangalore.
- Attended a two-day Management Development Programme on “Building Ethical and Moral Leadership” at AIMIT on January 5 & 6, 2018
- Attended a Two-day FDP on ‘Effective Engagement in Consulting’ at AIMIT on November 28-29, 2017.
- Attended an International Faculty Development Programme on Leadership skills at St Joseph’s Institute of Management, Bangaloreon September 5, 2017.
- Topic “Negotiation Skills of a leader” at the Workshop on Leadership skills for the student council of St Aloysius Degree College on August 10, 2017 organized by the Post Graduate Department of Business Administration AIMIT, Beeri.
- Topic “Ethics in Research” at the Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Enhancing Research Acumen” from 7th – 12th August, 2017 at AIMIT, Beeri.
- Topic “Leaders & Ethics” at Pragati -2017, a program for Undergraduate students held at St Aloysius College on 5th and 6th July, 2017 at St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University), Mangalore.
- Topic “ Personal Effectiveness” at the Workshop on Leadership skills for the Pre – University student council of St Aloysius PU College on 28th& 29th June, 2017, Mangalore organized by the Post Graduate Department of Business Administration AIMIT, Beeri.
- Moderator and Session Chair for the Technical Session in Samanvay 2017: A Confluence of Thoughts, A National Conference on the theme “Beyond 2020: A Vision for transforming India with a focused manifesto for change to be Global Leaders” on February 27, 2017, at Milagres College, Mangalore.
- Resource person at the One day National Seminar “Relevance on the Concept of Make in India in India in Transforming the Business Strategies” on 20th February, 2016 St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University) in collaboration with RACHANA Catholic Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Mangaluru
- Resource Person for Three day FDP on “Fruitful Research for Prolific Researchers” organised by AIMIT, St. Aloysius College from August 19-21, 2015.
- Attended a Workshop on ‘Case Developing and Publishing” organised by the Department of Business Administration, St. Joseph’s Engineering College, Vamanjoor on January 10th, 2017.
- Three day FDP on “Fruitful Research for Prolific Researchers” organised by AIMIT, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University), Mangalore during 19th – 21th, August 2015.
- Lecture Series on “Assurance of Learning (AOL)” organised by AIMIT, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University), Mangalore during 24-31, August 2015.
- Workshop on “Train the Trainer (TTT) on Teaching, Learning & Innovation” organised by AIMIT, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University), Mangalore in association with Computer Society of India on 7th -9th July 2015.
- One day workshop on “Case writing and Analysis” organised by AIMIT, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University), Mangalore on 24th July 2015.
- Management Association Inaugural Address- “Creating Leaders” organized by BBM Department, St. Aloysius College in July, 2015.
- Chairperson at the paper presentation session at SDM college at the National Seminar of Effective Leadership on 13/02/2015
- Three days FDP on “New Paradigms in Survey Research” at AIMIT, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University), Mangalore on 12th -14th August 2014.
- SDP for the Students of St. Xavier’s College, Jabalpur at AIMIT, St. Aloysius College on 10th to 15th February, 2014.
- Two day Seminar on “Excellence in Jesuit Higher Education” at St. Joseph’s College of Commerce Bengaluru on November 14th and 15th 2014.
- Three days FDP on “New Paradigms in Survey Research” at AIMIT, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University), Mangalore on 12th -14th August 2014.
- SDP for the Students of St. Xavier’s College, Jabalpur at AIMIT, St. Aloysius College on 10th to 15th February, 2014.
- Attended & presented paper in National Conference on “Wealth at the bottom of the pyramid – An ethical perspective” organized by Justice K. S. Hegde Institute of Management, Nitte on 29th & 30th, December 2013.
- Participated in FDP on “Research Methodology” held on 29th-31st August 2013 at AIMIT, St. Aloysius College.
- Resource Person for FDP on “Research Methodology “held on 29-31st August 2013 at AIMIT, St. Aloysius College.
- Resource Person for FDP on “Faculty Interaction Series “held on June 1-15th 2013 at AIMIT, St. Aloysius College.
- Best Paper Award for the paper titled “Rural Marketing-An opportunity for Corporates in the new Millennium” in International Conference on “Emerging Trends, Challenges & Opportunities in Global Business” organized by RDA, Goa on 28-29th September 2013.
- Best Paper Award for the paper titled “Conflict Management Styles of Academicians: An empirical study of Mangalore Business Schools” in International Conference on “Management & Business Research” organized by Society of Technical & Management Professionals, Malaysia on 23-24st , November 2013.