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Dr Rakesh Kumar B., HOD, MSc (BDA & DS), delivered a guest lecture at SDM College, Mangalore, on the topic ‘Exploring the foundations of artificial intelligence’ on May 15. Addressing the BCA students of SDM College, Kodialbail, Mangaluru, Dr Kumar provided a comprehensive overview of the evolution of AI. He began by tracing the origins of AI to John McCarthy, who coined the term, and discussed how AI has grown from a theoretical concept to a technology that permeates various aspects of modern life.

Dr Kumar illustrated his points with several real-world examples. He highlighted the role of autonomous cars which use AI to navigate and make decisions in real-time. He also discussed virtual assistants like Google Assistant and Siri, which employ AI to understand and respond to user commands. Additionally, he explained how AI is used by social media platforms like Twitter to identify and remove hate speech and terrorist content. Further examples included AI applications in healthcare, such as predictive analytics for patient care and AI-driven diagnostics that can detect diseases with high accuracy

The session was interactive with students engaging enthusiastically, asking questions, and participating in discussions.