
Dr Rajani Suresh
Dean (Academics and Research), Post Graduate Department of Business Administration
PhD, 2018, Aligarh Muslim University; MBA, 2007, Pune University; NET, 1999; LLM, 1998, Pune University.
- “Exploring MAFI Potential as a Multi-Disciplinary Research and Integrated Business Management Paradigm.” Aloysius Journal of Management & Research, Volume 5, No.1, ISSN 2321 8797, Impact Factor: 4.525.
- “Demonetization and Financial Inclusion – Creating a sustainable model for financial inclusion” CSIBER, Kolhapur International Conference on “Demonetization and Demonetization: Issues and Challenges for Global Business. Conference Proceedings. ISBN 978-81-931097-X-X.
- “A Demographic Exploration of Role Stress among Health Care Professionals.” Indian Journal of Research, Vol-6, No.1, ISSN 2231-6655. PP: 14-28.
- “Metaphors and Metaphorical Reasoning in Contemporary Advertising” Indian Journal of Management Vol 4, No.2 ISSN No. 22773304.pp 15-21.
- “Gender, Metaphors and Metaphorical Reasoning in Contemporary Advertising”, IOSR Journal of Business and Management, (2016):56-65, p-ISSN: 2319-7668. Impact Factor: 1.219.
- “Geographical Mobility and Employment – Examining Challenges to Military Spouse Employment” USI Journal, USI of India, New Delhi, Volume CXLV Journal No. 599, January-March, 2015.
- “Understanding Metaphors and Metaphorical Reasoning in Business Management.” Aloysius Journal of Management and Research (AJMR), (2015): 17- 42. P Vol. 3 No: 3- ISSN: 2321-8797.
- “Combatting sexual harassment in the workplace in India-the way forward” Let’s Learn, IIM-Kozhikode, April 2014, ISBN: 978-93-82951-20-9, Sage Publication.
- “A System Approach to Combat Workplace Sexual Harassment”, International Organization of Scientific Research Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol 19, Issue 10, October 2014.
- “A Study on Organizational Role Stress among Women Working in Private Colleges in Mangalore using ORS scale”, International Organization of Scientific Research Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol 19, Issue 10, October 2014.
- “Sexual Harassment in the workplace in India-New paradigms” Aloysius Journal of Management and Research (AJMR), (AJMR), (2014): 73- 84. P Vol. 2 No: 2- ISSN: 2321-8797.
- “Employment with a human touch? Do Labour laws protect labour in India”? High Tech people, High Touch HR Are we missing the Human Touch? –IIM-Kozhikode, February 2013, ISBN: 978-93-82951-20-9, Sage Publication.
- “A study on Organizational Role Stress among Working Women in Mangalore using ORS scale”, International Research Conference on Innovative Strategies in Commerce, Management, Engineering , Technology and Social Science, Indo Global Chamber Of Commerce, November 2013, ISSN: 2249-7463.
- “Labour Relations in India: Striking a balance” Aloysius Journal of Management and Research (AJMR), (AJMR), (2013): 73- 84. P Vol. 1 No: 1- ISSN: 2321-8797.
- Guest Faculty at the Karnataka Bank Staff Training College, Mangalore and has conducted several sessions of training in Marketing and Communication for entry mid and senior level Karnataka Bank executives in the years 2018-2020.
Research presentations
- Rowena, Rajani (2018). “Multidisciplinary Research and practice in the era of Digital Innovation and Academic Intelligence: A Futuristic Approach” at the 23rd International Conference on Pune on 8th & 9th September, 2018 organised by Research and Development Association in collaboration with Rajasthan Chamber of Commerce and Jaipur Management Association.
- Rowena, Rajani (2017). “Destination Branding Building Brand India” at the National Seminar and Conference on Global Brand Building at SDM College, Mangalore on 3rd March 2017.
- Oswald, Rowena, Rajani (2017). “Exploring MAFI Potential as a Multi-Disciplinary Research and Integrated Business Management Paradigm” at the Third International Conference on Multidisciplinary Business Research at AIMIT, Mangalore on 31st March 2017.
- Rajani, Rowena (2017). “Make in India – Approaches, Concerns and Experiments.” at the Third International Conference on Multidisciplinary Business Research at AIMIT, Mangalore on 31st March 2017.
- Rowena, Rajani (2017). “Critical Factors for Successful Adoption of Mobile Communication Technologies in Rural India” in a Two day National Conference on “Skill India to Leverage Make in India: Initiatives and Challenges” A. J. Institute of Management on 12-13th April, 2017.
- Rowena, Rajani (2017) “Critical Factors for Successful Adoption of Mobile Communication Technologies in Rural India” in a Two day National Conference on “Skill India to Leverage Make in India: Initiatives and Challenges” A. J. Institute of Management on 12-13th April, 2017.
- Rajani, Rowena (2017). “Demonetization and Financial Inclusion – Creating a sustainable model” at the CSIBER, Kolhapur International Conference on “Demonetization and Demonetization: Issues and Challenges for Global Business on 4th and 5th August, 2017.
- Rajani, Sumitha (2016). “A Demographic Exploration of Role Stress among Health Care Professionals.” 18th International conference on “Sustainable Growth and Innovation in the New Millennium- Frontier Global Issues and Challenges” Research Development Association, Jaipur.
- Rowena, Rajani “Gender, Metaphors and Metaphorical Reasoning in Contemporary Advertising” 17th International at “Conference Contemporary Issues & Innovations in Global Business Management, Economics, Tourism and Information & Communication Technology” RDA, Goa November 26th & 27th, 2015.
- Presented a paper on the title “ The role of state in the provisioning of Rural Credit in the era of Liberalization: an Assessment of Microcredit Self Help Groups in India at the National Conference on Emerging Issues in Banking and Finance in a Technology Driven Economy held at National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Suratkal, on February 20, 2015
- Presented a paper on the title “Study on determinants of Job related stress among women academicians “at the International Conference on Building Effective Organizations : Combining Continuity with change held at St Aloysius Institute of Management and Information Technology on 20th March 2015
- Presented a paper titled “Combatting sexual harassment in the workplace in India-the way forward”, at the IIM K HR Summit, “Let’s Learn”, 14-16 March, 2014, at IIM Kozhikode.
- Presented a paper on the title “A study on variables leading to ORS among women working in Private College in Mangalore” at MANEGMA 2014 in Srinivas, Pandeshwar on April 9, 2014.
- Presented a paper titled, “Labour Reforms in India is Balance the answer?” at the VIII Annual International Conference on Public Policy and Management August: 2013.
- Presented a paper titled “Geographical migration and labour market outcomes”, at the 3rd South Asian Management Research and Case Conference December 27-29, 2013 at IIM, Bangalore.
- Presented a paper titled, “Managing work family conflict for better Work force diversity”, at the International Conference on Excellence in Research and Education, May 2013 at IIM Indore.
- Presented a paper titled, “Employment with a humane touch”, at the, HR Summit, 2013, High Tech People, High Tech HR: Are we missing the humane touch”, IIM Kozhikode.
- International Research Conference on Innovative Strategies in Commerce, Management and Social Sciences, November, 2013, paper presented Titled “A study on organizational role stress among working women in private colleges in Mangalore using ORS scale”.
Other significant achievements
- Dr Rajani Suresh is a guest Faculty at the Karnataka Bank Staff Training College, Mangalore and has conducted several sessions of training in Marketing and Communication for entry mid and senior level Karnataka Bank executives in the years 2018-2020
- Membership in Academic Bodies/ BOS/University Bodies/Subject related associations etc:
- Member of the Doctoral Advisory Committee (DAC) at Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai
- Attended an International Workshop on Leadership skills at St Joseph’s Institute of Management, Bangalore on September 4, 2017.
- Attended a Two-day FDP on ‘Effective Engagement in Consulting ‘ at AIMIT on November 28-29, 2017.
- Attended a Workshop on ‘Case Developing and Publishing” organized by the Department of Business Administration, St. Joseph’s Engineering College, Vamanjoor on January 10th, 2017.
- Delivered a lecture “Qualitative Research” on 21-08-2015 at the Faculty Development Program (FDP), “Fruitful Research for Prolific Researchers” organized by Department of MBA for budding research scholars from in and around Mangalore.
- Three day FDP on “Fruitful Research for Prolific Researchers” organized by AIMIT, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University), Mangalore during 19th -21th, August 2015
- Lecture Series on “Assurance of Learning (AOL)” organized by AIMIT, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University), Mangalore during 24-31, August 2015
- Workshop on “Train the Trainer (TTT) on Teaching, Learning & Innovation” organised by AIMIT, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University), Mangalore in association with Computer Society of India on 7th -9th July 2015.
- One day workshop on “Case writing and Analysis” organized by AIMIT, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University), Mangalore on 24th July 2015.
- Attended & presented paper at IIM, Bangalore VIII Annual International Conference on Public Policy and Management August: 2013, Infrastructure – Hard and Soft.
- Attended & presented paper at IIM Bangalore., 3rd South Asian Management Research and Case Conference December 2013
- Attended & presented paper at International Research Conference on Innovative Strategies in Commerce, Management and Social Sciences, November, 2013.
- Attended & presented paper at IIM Indore, International Conference on Excellence In Research and Education, May 2013.
- Attended & presented paper at IIM Kozhikode, HR Summit, 2013, High Tech People, High Tech HR: Are we missing the humane touch?
- Topic “Negotiation Skills of a leader” at the Workshop on Leadership skills for the student council of St Aloysius Degree College on August 10, 2017 organized by the Post Graduate Department of Business Administration AIMIT, Beeri.
- Topic “Qualitative Research” at the Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Enhancing Research Acumen” from 7th – 12th August, 2017 at AIMIT, Beeri.
- Mangalore Chemicals and Fertilizers on Leadership in Organisations.
- Resource Person for Three day FDP on “Fruitful Research for Prolific Researchers” organised by AIMIT, St Aloysius College from August 19-21, 2015.
- Conducted a session on Leadership and Youth for the PUC students of St Aloysius College on 4th July, 2015.
- Resource Person for FDP on “Faculty Interaction Series “held on June 1-15th 2013 at AIMIT, St Aloysius College.