
Dr. Jeevan L J Pinto
Associate Professor, Post Graduate Department of Computer Applications.
Ph.D (Computer Science) 2014
- Mangalore University Thesis: Design and Implementation of Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
- Research Area: Wireless Sensor Networks, IoT, Data Analytics, Cloud Computing
- Recognized research guide in Computer Science and Engineering of Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi, Karnataka.
- A Vanaja, Jeevan Pinto “Performance Evaluation of Reactive Routing Protocols in MANETs in Association with TCPNewreno” , Journal Computer Science Research, Volume1, Issue 3(October2019)
- A Vanaja, Jeevan Pinto “An Analysis of MANETs: Types, Characteristics, Applications and Performance Metrics”, International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies, Volume 7, Issue 6(November2018)
- Mani Bushan D’Souza, Manjaiah D.H. & Jeevan Pinto “A Study of Nature Inspired Algorithms for Routing in MANETs”, International Journal of Emerging Research in Management & Technology ISSN:2278-9359(Volume-6,Issue-5), May 2017
- Mani Bushan D’Souza, Manjaiah D.H. &Jeevan Pinto “ROUTE OPTIMIZATION IN MANET USING ACO” International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology, Special Issue SACAIM2017,e-ISSN:2278-621X,pp.617-621
- A Vanaja, Jeevan Pinto “A Study Of An Ant Colony Based Routing Algorithms For MANET”, International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology, Special Issue SACAIM 2017,e-ISSN:2278-621X,pp.001-005
- Jeevan Pinto, “Recent Trends In Cloud Computing – ASurvey”, IJMIE, July 2015, ISSN–2249-0558
- Jeevan Pinto, Manjaiah D H, “Modified Enhanced Stable Election Based Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks”. IJIRCCE, October 2014, ISSN(online)- 2320-9801
- Jeevan Pinto, Manjaiah D H, “Modified Distributed Energy Efficient Clustering Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks”. IJCA, November 2013, pp-39-43,ISBN:973-93-80878-59-1
- Jeevan Pinto, Manjaiah D H, “An Analysis of Energy-Efficient Data Routing In Wireless Sensor Networks”, IJCA, January 2013, pp-14-18, ISBN:973-93-80872-01-9
Book Chapters
- D.H. Manjaiah, B. Santhosh, and Jeevan L.J. Pinto, “BigData: Processing of Data Intensive Applications on Cloud”. Chapter in “Computational Intelligence for BigData Analysis : Frontier Advances and Applications” Adaptation, Learning, and Optimization, Volume 19, PP: 201-216. ISSN 1867-4534 ISSN 1867-4542 (electronic) ISBN 978-3-319-16597-4 ISBN 978-3-319-16598-1(eBook)DOI10.1007/978-3-319-16598-1, Springer 2015
Research Presentations
- Presented paper titled “Integrating Wireless Sensor Networks with Cloud Computing Systems – A Review” at national conference held at Srinivas Institute of Management Studies, Mangalore. (12th December, 2015)
- Presented paper titled “Cloud Computing Innovation in India – A Survey” at national conference held at Srinivas Institute of Management Studies, Mangalore.( 17th October, 2015)
- Presented paper titled “Modified Enhanced Stable Election Based Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks” at international conference held at St. Aloysius College, Mangalore. (14th and 15th October,2014)
- Presented paper titled “The future of cloud computing – Issues and challenges” at national conference held at Srinivas Institute of Management Studies, Mangalore. (9th April, 2014)
- Presented paper titled “Small Business and the Cloud” at national conference held at Srinivas Institute of Management Studies, Mangalore. (10th April, 2013)
- Presented paper titled “A Survey of Security Mechanisms in Wireless Sensor Networks” at national conference held at Srinivas Institute of Technology, Mangalore. (19thand 20th April, 2012)
- Presented paper titled “An Analysis of Energy-Efficient Data Routing In Wireless Sensor Networks” at international conference held at Baselios Mathews II College of Engineering, Kollam, Kerala. ( ISBN:978-93-80624-62-4, 19th-20th February, 2012)
- Presented paper titled “Cloud Computing–Usages and applications to NGO’s” at national conference held at Sahyadri College of Management & Sciences, Mangalore. (ISBN:978-93-81195-10-9, 2nd and 3rd January, 2012)
- Presented paper titled “Recent Trends in Cloud Computing”, at national conference held at SDM college of Business Management, Mangalore. (14th and 15th December,2011)
- Presented paper titled “Wireless Sensor Networks in Real Time for Higher Education LearningActivities” at national conference held at Kristu Jayanti College, Bangalore. (November 18th-19th 2011)
- Presented paper titled “Quality of Service and Energy Efficient Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks” at national conference held at Srinivas Institute of Technology, Mangalore. (April 13th, 2011)
- Presented paper titled “The Role of Cloud Computing in Business” at national conference held at Srinivas Institute of Management Studies, Mangalore.(8th April 2011)
- Presented paper titled” A Comparative And A Contrastive Study Of Routing Protocols In Wireless Sensor Networks” at international conference held at Srinivas Institute of Technology, Mangalore.
- Presented paper titled “Issues and Challenges for Wireless Sensor Networks” at national conference held at SDM college of Management Studies, Mangalore. (20th March, 2009)
Other Significant Achievements
- Developed the contents on the following topics for Don Bosco Tech Society, New Delhi (2020- 2021)
- Internet of Things – Security Specialist
- AI Data Analyst
- Artificial Intelligence
- AI Cloud Application Developer
- E-Commerce Executive
- Certified EMC Academic Associate, Data Science and BigData Analytics
- Resource person at one day National conference on “E-Learning, E-Business and E-Governance” organized by Srinivas Institute of Management Studies, Mangalore on 24th January, 2015.
- Resource person for faculty development program at SDM college of Business Management and delivered a talk on“ Minor research project guidance” on 5th April, 2014.
- Resource person at two day National level seminar on “Recent Advances in Information technology” organized by the department of Computer Science, Government College, Kasaragod, Kerala on 21st and 22nd January 2013.
- Resource person at one day seminar on “Advances in Information technology” organized by the department of Computer Science and Application, Alva’s College, Moodbidri, Karnataka on 12th September, 2013.
- Delivered a talk on “Career opportunities in IT field” for the BCA students of PA First Grade College, Mangalore on 4th January, 2013
- Resource person at one day state level seminar on “Recent Developments in Information technology” organized by the department of Computer Science and Application, St Aloysius College, Mangalore on 10th March, 2012.
- Author of a Hand book on ‘C’ programming for the Degree Course of Mangalore University.
- Author of a Text Book of Computer Applications for the BBM Degree Course of Mangalore University.
- Author of a Text Book of Computer Applications (Revised syllabus) for the BBM Degree Course of Mangalore University.
- Member of the Board Of Studies in Computer Science of P.G. Studies and Research in Computer Science, Mangalore University
- Member of BOE of Master of Computer Applications and M.Sc.(Computer Science) courses of Mangalore University.
- Member of Examination panel of M.Sc.(Electronics) and M.Sc.(Geo-Informatics) courses of Mangalore University.
- Member of Examination panel of Master of Computer Applications, M.Sc.(Computer Science) BCA and B.Sc. courses of Kannur University, Kerala.
- Member of the Board Of Examination of Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications of St. Ann’s College of Education (An Autonomous College under Mangalore University) (From year 2007-2010)
- Member of the Board Of Studies in Computer Science of St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University)
- Member of the Board Of Studies in Computer Applications of St. Agnes College (An Autonomous College under Mangalore University)
- Served as an Assistant coordinator of Mangalore Study Center of Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) New-Delhi (March 2000 to December 2001)