
Dr Dhananjaya K
Associate Professor, Post Graduate Department of Business Administration
PhD (Economics), 2019, ISEC, Bangalore; MBA, 2012, IGNOU; PGDIM, 2012, IGNOU; NET (Management), 2010; PGDHRM, 2009, IGNOU; NET (HRM), 2008; NET (Social Work), 2007; MSW, 2007, Mangalore University; NET (Economics), 2006; M.A. (Economics), 2005, Mangalore University
- Dhananjaya, K. (2022) “Stock Market Valuation and Output Growth: Panel Data Evidence from the Indian Public Limited Manufacturing Firms”, Journal of Global Economy, 18(4), pp. 277–286. doi: 10.1956/jge.v18i4.669.
- Dhananjaya, K (2021). Market valuation and corporate investment in India. XIMB Journal of Management. https://doi.org/10.1108/XJM-01-2021-0022(UGC-CARE Journal published by Emerald)
- Dhananjaya, K. (2021).Corporate investment in India: Recent trends and patterns. In Krishna R. (Ed.), Public policy in India. New Delhi:Rawat
- Dhananjaya, K. (2020). Corporate debt vulnerability and non-performing assets in India. Global Business Review.DOI: 10.1177/0972150920935758. (ABDC listed Scopus Journal published by Sage).
- Dhananjaya, K. (2019). Corporate distress and non-performing assets in India. Global Business Review.https://doi.org/10.1177/0972150918812553.(ABDC listed Scopus Journal published by Sage).
- Dhananjaya, K. (2019). Economic growth and negative externalities in India. Journal of Global Economy, 15(3), 143-157. https://doi.org/10.1956/jge.v15i3.587.
- Dhananjaya, K & Wright, R. (2019). Do domestic institutional investors (DIIs) neutralize the impact of large reversal by foreign institutional investors (FIIs)? Recent evidence from the Indian stock market. Wealth-International Journal of Money, Banking and Finance, 8(1), 65-72.
- Dhananjaya, K & Raj, K. (8 January, 2019). Our Growth Path is Environmentally Unsustainable. Deccan Herald.
- Dhananjaya, K. & Raj, K. (2018). Non-performing assets (NPAs) and its determinants: A study of Indian public sector banks. Journal of Social and Economic Development,20(2), 193-212. (ABDC listed Journal published by Springer)
- Dhananjaya, K. (2018). Impact of market value of firm on its capital structure decisions: Panel data evidence from Indian manufacturing firms. InN. R. Bhanumurthy, K. Shanmugan, S. Nerlekar, S. & S. Hegade(Eds.),Advances in finance and applied economics (pp. 237-254).Singapore: Springer.
- Dhananjaya, K. (2018). Economic growth and negative externalities in India. In Veerabhadrappa, B.P., Gowda, N.K., Rangappa, K. B., Suchitra, S. &Guruprasad, M.S. (Eds), Indian Economy in 2018: Issues and Strategies for Sustainable Development (pp. 161-169). Davangere: University of Davangere.
- Dhananjaya, K. & Raj, K. (2018). Market value and capital structure: A study of Indian manufacturing firms. ISEC Working Paper No 421, Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore.
- Dhananjaya, K.& Wright, R. (2018). Do domestic institutional investors (DIIs) neutralize the impact of large reversal by foreign institutional investors (FIIs)? Recent evidence from the Indian stock market. In Parasuraman, N. R. &Sriram, M. (Eds.), Emerging Trends in Finance, Accounting and Banking. Mysuru: SDMIMD.
- Dhananjaya, K & Raj, K. (13 October, 2017).Vicious cycle: slowdown, NPAs feeding off each other. Deccan Herald.
- Dhananjaya, K. & Raj, K. (2017). Genuine savings and sustainable development. Review of Development & Change, 21(2). 119-146. (UGC CARE & ICI Indexed, Sage Publications).
- Dhananjaya, K. (2017).Market value and capital structure: A study of Indian manufacturing firms.MUDRA: Journal of Finance and Accounting,4 (2), 145-166.
- Dhananjaya, K. (2017). Modeling volatility of BSE Realty index using conditional heteroscedasticity models. MANTHAN: Journal of Commerce and Management, 4 (2), 13-28.
- Dhananjaya, K. & Raj, K. (2017). Assessing the interbank disparity in NPA management in Indian PSBs. International Journal of Financial Management, 7 (2&3), 49-59.
- Dhananjaya, K. & Raj, K. (2017). Relationship between FPI, DIIs and stock market returns in India. International Journal of Financial Management, 7(4), 1-9.
- Dhananjaya, K. & Raj, K. (2016). Testing for the long-run sustainability of economic growth of selected countries using genuine savings rate approach. Primax International Journal of Finance, Special Issue, 9-18.
- Dhananjaya, K (2016). Dynamic interaction between, foreign portfolio investment (FPI), domestic institutional investors (DIIs), and stock market returns in India. In Govindappa, G.T., Laxmana, P. &Cirappa, I. B. (Eds.), Financial Sector Reforms in India (pp. 32-45). Bengaluru: Niruta
Research Presentations
- Economic Growth and Negative Externalities in India at the National Conference on Indian Economy in 2018: Issues and Strategies for Sustainable Development organized by the Department of Economics, Davangere University, Davangere on 23-24, November, 2018.
- Do Domestic Institutional Investors (DIIs) Neutralize the Large Reversal By Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs)? Recent Evidence from Indian Stock Market at the International Finance Conference on Emerging Trends in Finance, Accounting and Banking organized by SDM Institute of Management Development, Mysuru on 7-8, September 2018.
- Corporate Distress and Non-Performing Assets in India at the International Conference on Changing Business Landscape: Implications for Management Education Research, the PG. Department of Management, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University), Mangalore on April 4 2018.
- The Impact of Market Value of Firm on its Capital Structure Decisions at the National Conference on Finance and Applied Economics organized by MMM’s Institute of Management, Pune and The Indian Econometric Society, New Delhi, on 7-8, Oct.2017.
- Testing for the Long-Run Sustainability of Economic Growth of Selected Countries using Genuine Savings Rate Approach at the International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Value Chain in a Challenging Environment” organized by Primax Foundation, Bangalore on 29th and 30th July 2016.
- Dynamic Interaction between, Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI), Domestic Institutional Investors (DIIs), and Stock Market Returns in Indiaat the National Conference on 25 Years Of Financial Sector Reforms: A Look Back and Ahead organized by the Dept. of Commerce, Davangere University, Karnataka on 22nd and 23rd April, 2016.
- Assessing the Inter Bank Disparity in Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) Management in Indian Banks at the International Conference on Management in 21st Century-Issues, Challenges and the Road Ahead, organized by the Department of Management, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University), Mangalore on 21st March, 2016.
- Modern India- Approaching Opportunities and Challenges: RUDSET/RSET Wayat the International Conference on Management in 21st Century-Issues, Challenges and the Road Ahead, organized by the Department of Management, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University), Mangalore on 21st March, 2016.
- Role of National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) in Inclusive Growthatthe National Conference on “Inclusive Development- Strategies and Challenges” – at A.J. Institute of Management Mangalore held on 25th and 26th March 2010.
- Managing Knowledge Workers with reference to Enhancing Corporate Competitiveness -Strategies & Challenges at the National Conference on “Corporate India-Re-engineering Strategies for Survival and Growth” – atSrinivas Institute of Management Studies, Mangalore, 16th April 2010.
- Global Financial Crisis and Monetary Policy Response in Indiaat the National Conference on “Economic Revival: Business Perspectives and Opportunities” at St. Joseph Engineering College, Mangalore, held on 29th and 30th April 2010.
- Public spending in infrastructure as a solution to economic crisis-An analysisat the National Conference on “Economic Crisis and recent trends in Management – at Department of Business Administration PA College of Engineering Mangalore held on March 24th 2009.
- Is Public expenditure in Infrastructure a Panacea for Economic Downturn? at the International Conference on “Recent Trends in Global Business Order – Impact in Asia at Vivekananda Institute of Information and Management Studies, Tiruchengode, Tamilnad, held on 30th& 31st January
Other significant achievements
- Completed twelve week FDP on Introduction to Econometrics through SWAYAM offered by IIT, Madras in April, 2022
- Attended FDP on Jesuit ideals for higher education in pandemic situation organized by AIMIT, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University), Beeri, Mangalore on September 2, 2021
- Attended FDP on Academic Writing organized by AIMIT, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University), Beeri, Mangalore on September 3,2021.
- Attended Advanced JESCOL programme organized by Ashirvad, Bangalore from September 27, 2021 to September 29, 2021.
- Best Research Paper award in the disciple of Commerce and Management by Sambhrama 2021, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University), Mangalore.
- Resource person for a session on “Online Assessment using Google Forms” for the Staff of Loyola College, Manvi, Raichur, Karnataka on June 23, 2020
- Completed an online course on Financial Market, offered by Prof. Robert Shiller, Yale University through Coursera
- Completed an online course on Understanding Research Methods,offered by University of London through Coursera
- Completed an online courseon Portfolio and Risk Management, offered by Indian School of Business (ISB) through Coursera
- Completed an online course on Writing a Research Paper, offered by University of California Irvine through Coursera
- Best Research Paper award in the disciple of Commerce and Management by Sambhrama 2019, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University), Mangalore.
- Best Research Paper award in the disciple of Commerce and Management by Sambhrama 2018, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University), Mangalore.
- Awarded with Dr. Nanjundappa Endowment Prize in Economics for being the topper in Pre-Ph.D. Course Work in Economics discipline at Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC), Bangalore
- Cleared National Eligibility Test for Lectureship in Economics (UGC-NET) Conducted by University Grants Commission.
- Cleared National Eligibility Test for Lectureship in Human Resource Management (UGC-NET) Conducted by University Grants Commission.
- Cleared National Eligibility Test for Lectureship in Management (UGC-NET) conducted by University Grants Commission
- Cleared National Eligibility Test for Lectureship in Social Work (UGC-NET) conducted by University Grants Commission.
- Participated in an International Online Case Study Competition organized by Indira Institute of Management Pune
- Attended Two Day Workshop on Academic Writing, organized by AIMIT, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University), Beeri, Mangalore on 17th and 18th July, 2019.
- Attended a Workshop on Global Accelerated Leadership Programme, organized by AIMIT, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University), Beeri, Mangalore on 15th July, 2019.
- Attended an International Seminar on Qualitative Research organized by MMM’s Institute of Management, Pune on 6, October, 2017.
- Attended one day Faculty Development Programme on Multivariate Data Analysis conducted by AIMIT, St Aloysius College, Beeri, Mangalore, on September, 2, 2016.
- Attended one day workshop on Self-Empowerment and Effectiveness organized by AIMIT, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University), Beeri, Mangalore on 7-8, July. 2016.
- Attended two days’ workshop on Case Writing and Analysis organized by AIMIT, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University), Beeri, Mangalore on 24-31, August. 2015.
- Attended two days’ workshop on Case Writing and Analysis organized by AIMIT, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University), Beeri, Mangalore on 24, July. 2015.
- Attended three days Faculty Development Programme on Research Methods for Non-Statisticians conducted by AIMIT, St Aloysius College, Beeri, Mangalore from 25-27, July 2012.
- Attended one week Faculty Development Programme on Research Methods for Business Management and Social Sciences conducted by AIMIT, St Aloysius College, Beeri, Mangalore from 11-17, July 2011.
- Attended three days Management Development Programme on Research Methodology for Social Sciences – A Skill Building Approach conducted by AIMIT, St Aloysius College, Beeri, Mangalore from 9-11 August 2010.
- Attended one day workshop on Effective Paper Presentation and Article Publication organized by MSNM Besant Institute of PG Studies, Mangalore on 9th March, 2011.
- Attended two days National Conference on Talent Management: Challenges to HRM organised by AIMIT, St Aloysius College, Beeri, Mangalore from 11-12, March 2011.
- Attended Three days’ workshop on Case Method of Teaching organized by Case Research Society of India at IIM Bangalore from 15-17 August, 2008.
- Resource person for a FDP on Fruitful Research for Prolific Researchers held by AIMIT, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University), Beeri, Mangalore from 19-20, August July, 2015.