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Monthi Fest, the Nativity of Mother Mary, was celebrated at AIMIT, St. Aloysius (Deemed to be University), on September 6. Rev. Fr. Alwyn Richard D’Souza, Director of the Family Life Centre and Guardian of St. Zuze Vaz Home, Jeppu, was the main celebrant.

In his homily, Fr. Alwyn emphasized the profound qualities of Mother Mary, highlighting her optimism and hopefulness. He reflected on the miracle at the wedding at Cana, where Mother Mary’s faith and trust in Jesus’s abilities transformed a potential embarrassment into a celebration of divine grace. We are reminded that even in moments of uncertainty, there is always room for faith and the possibility of miraculous change.

Earlier, the new corn was blessed by Rev Fr Roshan Pereira SJ, followed by a procession with the infant Mother Mary in a palanquin.

This special festival marks the birthday of Mother Mary and is also dedicated to celebrating family and the girl child.