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IT mentoring system: Aim is to help research activities

IT mentoring system: Aim is to help research activities

The first activity under the mentoring system of this academic year for I year and II-year IT students was held on November 18, 2023 followed by another on December 11, 2023. The Mentoring system in the IT department has been followed in a traditional approach where...
Outreach programme: Hostel students visit six centres

Outreach programme: Hostel students visit six centres

AIMIT hostel students went for an outreach programme to nearby orphanages and rehabilitation centres on December 2 and 9. In all, students went to six different centres. One group of Loyola hostel students visited Link, a deaddiction centre in Padil and the other...
Makarios 2023-24: Management student council inaugurated

Makarios 2023-24: Management student council inaugurated

Makarios management club for 2023-24 was inaugurated on December 2 at AIMIT, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University). In his message, Director Dr (Fr) Melwyn Pinto SJ motivated the entire student community and leaders to grab the moment and stay committed in...
Unboxing AI: second FDP held

Unboxing AI: second FDP held

‘Unboxing AI: Engaging with Healthcare professionals and Medical Data’, a faculty development programme (FDP) – for doctors and faculty member’s/research scholars of the Information Technology department was inaugurated on November 20. This was the second FDP on the...
Dr Hemalatha holds workshop on AI

Dr Hemalatha holds workshop on AI

Dr Hemalatha N, Dean, IT of AIMIT, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University) conducted a half-day workshop on ‘Introduction to Machine Learning with hands on using python” at Srinivas Institute of Technology, Valachil, Mangalore on November 21. The workshop...
AIMIT Hostels celebrate Deepavali

AIMIT Hostels celebrate Deepavali

Deepavali was celebrated with an inter-faith prayer meet by the students of AIMIT hostels on November 20. The service began with the lighting of the lamp by Director Dr (Fr) Melwyn Pinto SJ and the hostel wardens followed by a graceful prayer dance by the II year...