A student project titled “AI-Driven Approach for Bronchopneumonia Detection in Children” by two students of MSc (Software Technology), sponsored by Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST) as part of the 47th series of the Student Projects Programme,...
Dr.S. Ruban Associate professor and HOD, PG Dept. of Software Technology received the Sophia Lecturing Research Grant, provided by the Science and Technology Exchange Committee (STEC), Sophia University, Japan. He visited the Sophia university from April 5 to July 3....
The final MBA students were given a farewell on June 24. Ms Diksha Shetty and Mr Deril D’Sa, II-year MBA students, expressed their emotions and recollected their experiences at AIMIT. They both expressed their gratitude and requested everyone to cherish the good...
AIMIT Savory, the new outdoor food court of AIMIT, St Aloysius (Deemed to be University) was inaugurated on June 24. The Savory is an additional food court facility provided to the students and staff to have a snack break. It will be open throughout the day. The...
Jain Jose, an alumnus of MBA department, in his guest lecture on June 20 here at AIMIT St Aloysius (Deemed to be University) spoke on the relevance of lean supply chain management in post pandemic era. Jain Jose currently functions as logistics, customs and traffic...
In keeping with the spirit of solidarity, the annual blood donation camp Sanjeevini was held for the eighth time at AIMIT campus of St Aloysius (Deemed to be University) on June 14. The event was held in collaboration with district Wenlock Hospital. A total of 127...