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The students of Bioinformatics Anushree Raj, coordinator, Bioinformatics department of AIMIT, visited the Fr Muller Medical College (FMMC) Research Centre on August 4.

Dr Animikh Ray, scientist-C and associate professor, FMMC, spoke to the students on various aspects of bioinformatics. He said that bioinformatics will be the future and there is lot of scope for them to explore as young minds.

Dr Ray shared his expert knowledge on various domains like genome sequence analysis, structural bioinformatics, omics, NGS data analysis pipelines, drug discovery, biomarker discovery, etc. He also motivated students to choose any area of interest for which he could guide them further on research and projects. He encouraged students to develop their skill sets and knowledgefor current needs. “Science is moving towards research in bioinformatics,” he said, and asked students to enhance their skillsets.

The students of bioinformatics will work collaboratively on real time projects being a part of FMMC research centre.