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Junior MBA students give cultural farewell to seniors

Junior MBA students give cultural farewell to seniors

First year MBA students hosted a cultural farewell programme for their graduating seniors with the theme ‘The Oscars’ on July 8. The programme began with invoking blessings from God. Speaking on the occasion Dr Rajani Suresh, Dean (Academics and Research MB), said,...
Transform and thrive in an agile world: 7thMBA conference held

Transform and thrive in an agile world: 7thMBA conference held

The 7th international conference on the theme ‘Transform and thrive in an agile world’ was held on July 10 here at AIMIT St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University). In his presidential address, Rector of St Aloysius Institutions, Fr Melwin Pinto SJ said about the...
AIMIT holds farewell for II MBA students

AIMIT holds farewell for II MBA students

The final MBA students were given a farewell on June 30. Expressing their emotions Shvithi Sudhir, Shivam Sudhir and Ashton Veigas – II year MBA students – went down memory lane to recollect their experiences at AIMIT. “We have the power to shape our own destinies...
Awareness talk on Drug abuse and Illicit trafficking

Awareness talk on Drug abuse and Illicit trafficking

An awareness programme was organised on the occasion of international day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking at AIMIT St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University) on June 27. The event aimed to educate students on the effects of drug abuse and thus promote a...